We at CJ Foundation Quarter Horses have a
few well broke mares that we give lessons on and/or we have people come out and ride, either in the pasture, on trails (on
a limited basis) or out on country roads in Spanish Fork. If you are interested in this, we charge $20 per ride per person,
or $40 per person for half day rides.
We are equipped to give lessons to children
and adults. We can have groups of up to 15 people (Family Home Evening groups, for instance) that can come and ride,
and pet and feed our foals. Our horses are in town in Spanish Fork, and we have a round pen where it's fun to ride in
a safe environment.
We accept oodles of things in trade for money.
Here is a list of things we'd be interested in trading, but if you have other items, certainly suggest them. We're always
willing to barter!
- Televisions: either small (tabletop) or 27+ inches
- VCR's
- DVD player(s)
- Videos and DVDs and CDs
- Saddles and horse tack
- Computers and computer games and printers
- Brand new or gently used furniture: couch(es), etc
(from a smoke free home is essential)
- Guitar(s)
- Time share days at resorts, etc
- Cement work
- Gravel and small rocks to gravel driveways
- Gift Certificates to stores and restaurants
- Scrapbook supplies
- Photography equipment: lens(es), fine quality camera(s)
- Hay and grain
- Homemade items such as quilts or other items you'd
find at craft fairs
- Car repair(s)
- Carpet cleaning
- Good quality hunting rifle(s)
- Airline vouchers
- Concert tickets
- Camping equipment in excellent shape
- Fresh produce, etc and/or canning supplies
- What you can come up with! Make us an offer!
As you consider purchasing
a horse from us, please read our disclaimer. Thanks so much and we look forward to doing business with you!