CJ Foundation Quarter Horses

Hank's Training

JJ Kings Hank
Hank's Pedigee
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When we first got Hank, he was unbroke and had had one breeding season.  He was 'set' as far as he was concerned, but Craig and Jennifer wanted a riding horse out of him, too.  We went to the Spanish Fork Library and got Doug Mills' training video and watched it through about four times, then implemented Doug's method to get Hank saddle broke.  We didn't know if we could do much more than that for Hank, and by sheer happenstance, Doug's son Kyle was in town and training horses.  We sent Hank to Kyle for 30 days and got back a rideable, teachable stallion.  True, Hank's pretty smart, but Kyle really got Hank going.
In Fall 2005 we met up with Kyle again, and had him put one week on Hank, as a sort of tune up.  Again, Kyle and Hank made a great team, and Kyle brought out the best in our stallion.  Kyle's moving back to Canada to work with his dad (and we at CJ Foundation Quarter Horses cannot recommend Doug Mills' method Training Through Trust enough) and we're sorry to see Kyle go.  We wish him much luck and know he'll make his mark in the horse training arena.  (Pun intended!)

Kyle on Hank in Fall 2005



Kyle training Missy to load into the two-horse trailer

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